What To Do With Your Leftover Easter Eggs Part II: The Secret To Perfect Potato Salad



12 medium sized potoatoes

2 teaspoons salt

18 hard boiled eggs

3 cups mayonaise

salt and pepper to taste

In this photo with Lily and McCann are my friends Lynn and Christine McGhie. Lynn is a great cook, and he told me the secret to perfect potato salad. When I asked him why his tasted better than any other, he leaned over to me and said, "The secret is in the eggs and the salt. I use lots and lots of eggs and lots and lots of salt." A week later, we had a friend over from New Zealand. Her potato salad was just as good. When I asked her secret, she told me the same thing, so I figured Lynn must have been right. That's when I tested their theory to come up with this formula.

I use one potato per person and 2 eggs per potato, except...

This is my beautiful wife. She doesn't like that many eggs, so I only use 1 1/2 eggs per potato if she will be eating.

I add two teaspoons of salt to the water that I boil the potatoes in, and I also salt to taste at the end. Here we go with the recipe.

Peel and wash 12 medium sized potatoes.


Cut the potatoes into small 1 inch cubes and boil them with 2 teaspoons of salt until they are soft and can be easily pierced with a fork.


While potatoes are boiling, peel and rinse 18 hard boiled eggs, then slice them into four sections lengthwise, then...


cut them in half, like this. Now...


pile all the chopped eggs in a large bowl.


When the potatoes are done, strain them and...


add them to the chopped eggs. Also, add 3 cups mayonnaise.


Mix it all together and salt and pepper to taste. There. You now have perfect potato salad. Eat and enjoy.

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